The current Contributor Archive provides details of all contributions (and, in some cases, the contribution itself) in all of the issues of Stand Magazine published since March 1999. At this point the Volumes were renumbered to start again from Volume 1 Number 1, 1999, to date. We are working on adding all contributor details in this format for all of the issues in the previous published sequence from Stand Magazine Number 1, 1952 to Volume 40 Number 2, Spring 1999. Until this is complete, you can access a list of all of the contributors and their works published from 1952 as a downloadable spreadsheet.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Contributors - I
Wu I-Wei 吳億偉 (contributed once in 2017)
Khadijah Ibrahiim (contributed once in 2021)
Paul Ilechko (contributed once in 2022)
Matt Ingoldby (contributed once in 2023)
Dimitra Ioannou (contributed once in 2019)
Julie Irigaray (contributed once in 2019)
John Irons (contributed twice between 2022 and 2024)
Phil Isherwood (contributed once in 2007)
Itsuko Ishikawa (contributed once in 2019)
Asuka Itaya (contributed once in 2004)
Anna Ivaskevica (contributed once in 2023)
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Contributors - I
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