Judy Gahagan

Judy Gahagan has worked as a lecturer in psychology, freelance journalist, tutor at the Poetry School London. Since retiring she has published poetry, short stories and novellas. Her poetry collections include: Crossing the No-man’s Land (Flambard); Night Calling and The Secret Frontiers (Enitharmon); Equinoctial and Poems in Shadowtime (Littoral Press). Her short story collection Did Gustav Mahler Ski? was published by New Directions, New York. Individual stories were published by Ambit magazine and P.N Review. She has also published two novellas: Scenes from the Interior and Refuge (Littoral Press). She has won prizes for both poetry and short stories.

Judy Gahagan's work featured in Stand Magazine comprises one article.
Further Reading
Article in Stand 238, 21(2) (2023) The Buddhist
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